Since time immemorial, our ancestors have depended on leaves, roots and seeds for food and medicine.
They relied on nature for gifts of food and herbs.
Although a lot of them have been lost to westernization, Organic Trade and Investments has made it a point to bring back k as many of these plants as possible.
One of such potent medicines is our organic black seed oil from Egypt.
Known for its high thymoquinone, this oil has numerous benefits you wouldn't want to miss out on.
Black seed oil is pressed from the seeds of a flowering shrub, Nigella sativa that is high in antioxidants and may have several benefits for health.
Clears Acne
There is no one who likes acne. Aside from the irritation, it causes your skin, acne takes a big toll on your self-confidence. However, for centuries black seed oil has been used as a remedy for rashes, psoriasis, and skin inflammation.
Recent studies suggest that black seed oil may work just as well as benzoyl for acne. So if you have been battling acne for so long, this is your sign to stock up on some of our black seed oil.
Help get rid of Cancer
The plant from which the oil is pressed is packed with thymoquinone, a compound that may have cancer-fighting powers. In a study by scientists, it shrank tumours in rats and slowed their growth as well as protected tissue from radiation damage.
Boosts Male Fertility
In both men and rats, it has been found that this oil can increase sperm count and help sperm swim faster. The sperms are kept safe thanks to the antioxidants in the oil. More studies are being made to determine if it can totally cure infertility.
Fights Inflammation
Black seed oil can be used for the same reason people would take paracetamol or aspirin. The oil is believed to deal effectively with inflammation. It also has substances that can help protect cells from damage.
Clears Dandruff
This powerful oil moisturises the scalp and boosts scalp health. This prevents hair related issues like dryness and dandruff. Black seed oil helps lock in moisture in individual hair shafts because it's rich in fatty amino acids.
Researchers have said that black seed oil helped control asthma symptoms better than dummy treatments. They believe that someday, the oil could be added to regular asthma therapy.
Combine the use of the oil with healthy lifestyle choices to attain optimum results.