Consciously or unconsciously, it is very probable to state that, the consumption of cocoa butter is frequent and high in our everyday lives.
At any point eaten milk/dark chocolate or any other sweet treats?
Yeah, well, cocoa butter is an essential ingredient in these confectionaries and most skin, health, and beauty products.
Cocoa Butter is a natural fat extracted from cocoa beans. Also known as theobroma oil, cocoa butter’s beauty and health benefits date back to over 3,000 years.
Natural cocoa butter is enriched with several nutritive elements, antioxidants, and hydrating benefits that make it ideal for numerous purposes.
But does natural cocoa butter get rid of face scars?
Let’s have a close view of some of the uses of cocoa butter and if indeed it is

No one finds it naturally beautiful to have scars especially on the face. In recent times, people who have acne prone skin or are having to deal with scars have been wondering how to get their baby-skin back.
Is cocoa butter an agent to get rid of scars naturally?
These days, people make their DIYs with cocoa butter for personal use. If one of the purposes is to sell those homemade body creams to earn an extra income, another reason most people and notably women use cocoa butter is rid of stretch marks and scars.
Cocoa butter is an awesome antioxidant source, greatly used in the skincare industry for lotions, lip balms, ointments, face, and body scrubs because of its richly moisturizing and anti-aging properties. The vitamins and fatty acids in the butter make it best for skin concerns like stretch marks, eczema, acne, psoriasis, dark spots and are ideal for soothing sensitive skin.
The regular use of cocoa butter may slightly help shade off scar's appearance but it will not get rid of those scars completely.
One biggest advantage tagged with cocoa butter is the fact that it melts easily over low heat whiles retaining its nutrients and has a very “balanced” fat not likely to spoil when added to the making of food. Cocoa butter can be melted and used in place of other kinds of oil in recipes like cookies, brownies, and salad dressing. Many assume using cocoa butter topically is the only way to benefit the skin, but the good news is, eating cocoa butter also provides many benefits to the skin and general health.
Improving and maintaining the hair follicle is key for healthy hair growth and this is exactly what cocoa butter provides with its rich vitamins and minerals. It moisturizes, protects, and strengthens whiles adding volume and length to the hair. Cocoa butter can moisturize the scalp with its antibacterial properties, cocoa butter can help moisturize the scalp to prevent dandruff issues and other infections.
With the nutritional breakdown of Cocoa butter in its raw and unrefined state, it is clear why the product is highly consumed, used, and adored by many. Get cocoa butter in your closet and be creative with varieties of life-changing “do-it-yourself” products whiles enjoying all its beauty and health benefits.
While natural cocoa butter is very versatile and high in fatty acids, making it a great base component for many products and some DIY recipes, cocoa butter can be used as a moisturizer to stop scars from drying out. It is also a great natural beauty ingredient and product that can help keep your skin flowing.