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A steaming bowl of cooked rice

There's nothing like a well-cooked bowl of rice made with cooking oil to add some fragrance and taste. Right?

What if I told you that you can get amazing health benefits including losing weight from your fragrant bowl of rice.

Experts say a cup of white rice contains an average of 200 calories. They have advised that this calorie content can be reduced by adding a little fat and letting it cool.

In this article, you'll learn how to make delicious rice made with coconut oil and how it can help you reduce your calorie intake.

In a research by the American Chemical Society’s at the national meeting in 2015, using coconut oil and a refrigerator can slash calories by up to 60%.

Rice is made up of two types of starch - digestible and resistant. Since the human body doesn’t have the enzymes to digest the second type, it cannot be transformed into sugar and absorbed in the bloodstream like digestible starch.

According to,” Some researchers from the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka wanted to figure out if they could convert some of rice’s digestible starch into the non-digestible type, and thereby make it less caloric. By testing out 38 different kinds of rice and simulating human digestion in a test tube, they devised a recipe for the least caloric way to cook rice: drop a teaspoon of coconut oil into boiling water, then add half a cup of non-fortified white rice and cook it for about 40 minutes. After cooking, stick it in the fridge for 12 hours.”

If rice is cooked this way, has at least 10 times the resistant starch as normally prepared rice, and 50-60% fewer calories, the researchers noted.

With this in mind, you want to purchase authentic virgin coconut oil from Organic Trade Investments (OTI) to enjoy all of its incredible benefits.

Now, let's learn the recipe for coconut rice

Ingredients you would need:

OTI Organic Agra Brown Rice (2cups/360 grams) | OTI Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil | Fresh Coconut Milk | Water (1⅓ cups (320 mL) cold water

) | Salt

The Cooking Process

* Rince the quantity of rice that you desire thoroughly in a fine-meshed sieve until the water runs clear. This will remove particles and the excess starch that could make the rice mushier.

* Combine all the ingredients and the rice in a saucepan and bring to boil over medium heat.

Frequently check to see if the rice is boiling. If it is, stir well, cover, and immediately reduce the

heat too low and cook for some 10 minutes.

* After these minutes, the liquid should be well-absorbed. Cover the pot tightly with a lid to retain the steam from cooking. This further helps the rice to cook.

* Keep checking the texture of the rice until it's perfect.

You can serve this rice with a variety of sauces and other dishes you wish.


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